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Founded in 2015, the More than Brides Alliance (MTBA) brings together the collective skills and experience of over 25 partner national organisations in collaboration with international organisations: Save the Children Netherlands, Oxfam Novib, Population Council and Simavi. The alliance builds on implementation and research experience across contexts where girls (aged 10-19) are most at risk of Child Marriage and face the biggest hurdles in making their own life choices. Our focus countries are Mali, Niger, Ethiopia, Malawi, Uganda, Pakistan, India, Nepal and Bangladesh.
Together, we share knowledge on how to address causes of child marriage that are rooted in gender inequality and norms related to sexuality. The sharing of this knowledge is intended to improve policy and programmes aimed at tackling the negative impact of Child Marriage on the health and economic wellbeing of girls, their communities, and society as a whole and ensuring that girls enjoy expanded life choices to fulfill their Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR).
In our first five years, we developed three pathways, working with girls in their communities to…
- Created and supported girls’ clubs: youth-oriented safe spaces to share and learn.
- Organised girl-led workshops to provide girls with information and support to pursue their life choices.
- Built local platforms for implementing campaigns and mobilising girls’ collective engagement and influence.
- Delivered vocational and business skills-training to support girls in realising income-generating opportunities.
- Provided transportation to attend school.
- Increased access to quality, youth-centered Sexual &Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) services.
- Initiated parent and community conversations about positive gender roles and viable futures.
- Engaged educators, policymakers, governments and law enforcement in understanding and supporting positive change.
- Trained healthcare workers in providing gender and youth-aware services.

Over these first years, our programme’s has become increasingly more girl-centered and girl-led. Now with over 3000 girls’ and youth clubs as a solid base, we will strengthen their sustainability and capacity for change, through three initiatives:
- Leveraging the existing knowledge and connections of the alliance to address gender root causes of child marriage related to inequality and norms about sexuality.
- Facilitating learning and exchange to expand and deepen limited available research on the impact of Child Marriage on girls’ SRHR and community wellbeing.
- Using inclusive learning methods that promote the voices of girls and others in their communities, such as youth-led research and participatory learning methods.
- Piloting, researching and publishing innovative approaches aimed at addressing root causes of child marriage
To tackle the root causes of child marriage the alliance is committed to develop, pilot, test and research innovative approaches that address root causes of child marriage including:
- Approaches that take a more nuanced approach to empowerment and agency of girls.
- Interventions that challenge social norms associated with girls marriageability.
- Strategies and activities to work with parents.
- Building interventions on excisting ways in which communities share knowledge about gender and sexuality.
Launched as an awareness-raising campaign on COVID-19’s impacts on adolescent girls at risk of Child Marriage, we will transform this into a platform for advocacy action and training.
- Focusing initially on urging government and civil society organisations to make girls central to their pandemic response.
- Deploying a digital platform where girls can train in using both on- and off–line spaces to network, learn, and build advocacy movements, now and in the future.
The collective strength and experience of our network of national and international partners enables us to develop a unique, comprehensive, and holistic approach to addressing Child Marriage.