
Although there is a good understanding of the diverse drivers of child marriage, the evidence base from research and programmes on what works to delay marriage in different settings is not as strong as we would like (and need!) it to be. Working towards gender equality and positive social norms therefore calls for participatory and gender transformative approaches to programming and learning.

The More Than Brides Alliance facilitates learning and exchange to improve policy and practice in the following ways:

  • Leveraging the existing knowledge and connections of the alliance national and international partners to address root causes of child marriage that are linked to gender inequality and sexuality
  • Facilitating learning and exchange to expand and deepen the limited research on the impact of Child Marriage on girls’ wellbeing and SRHR as well as on their families and communities
  • Using inclusive learning methods which promote the voices of girls and others in the community, such as youth-led research and participatory learning activities.
  • Piloting, researching and publishing innovative approaches aimed at addressing root causes of child marriage

Research and Learning Library 
From the inception of the More Than Brides Alliance in 2015, the Alliance has developed numerous project resources, conducted qualitative and quantitative research, and developed learning products. All products can be accessed and filtered through the library below and can serve as inspiration for other child marriage and SRHR initiatives.

Because child marriage is rooted in gender inequality and patriarchal norms about girls’ sexuality, the alliance initiated a separate learning project to explore this theme. All resources about the links between child marriage and sexuality can be explored in detail on this learning theme page.